Sunday, October 17, 2021

Ok, I'll be quiet!

 As a 40 something woman, If there is one thing that life has taught me, rather forcefully, is that making friends has now become a sort of terrorizing process, by which all hope has been vanquished, thereby leaving me with this hollowed out shell of a being who now has the only option of blogging to share my feelings. Or resort to sudden interpretive dancing at traffic lights.

Whew! Yes that was a very long and winding sentence. Grammatically, I have been lost at sea for a while now. But really, does that matter in the world of loneliness where one's feelings are being guillotined at every corner?

Blogging seems far safer. Or does it?

For anyone who has a tight knit group of close friends, this would seem like a no brainer, but for someone who has moved countless times and made friends each time during childhood, it is extremely difficult and perplexing to understand why other women just do NOT want to take the time to get to know a new person!

I am fairly new to my current location and while I have things to do and take care of on a daily basis that I CAN spread out to occupy most of my free time...what I really miss is the natural affection of a close gal pal whom I can call on and have a good ol' chin wag or just cry wordlessly with.

Where are all the normal, down to earth, wholesome, genuinely interested friends gone ???

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